Company Profile

AYTA helps companies create more value using less time, inventory, space, labor and cash.
The AYTA Group comprises of engineers, business managers, operations managers and staff who are truly experienced experts. We have developed an immense amount of institutional knowledge – the kind that can only be gained through actual hands-on experience. Thanks to a diverse group of clients and projects, we have successfully applied a variety of continuous improvement methodologies mixed with the best practices of traditional management techniques to all business sectors. This substantially reduces costs and increases quality allowing the company to be more competitive in the marketplace and capture more market share!
We recognize that knowledge transfer is one of our key strengths, and the more we interact with clients and pass on our knowledge, the more we learn and grow ourselves. We are driven to build internal expertise in your organization, empower your employees, allowing you to achieve your overall goals so that all that is accomplished is sustainable.
The sooner companies successfully implement lean supply chain best practices, the sooner they will realize profitability. Let us help your company produce significant savings.
We find money being wasted in your company and give it back to you! Since you pay us a percentage of the recovered money, there are no out-of-pocket costs for our services.
“The AYTA Group offers coach-minded consulting and training from a team of experts.”
Building this expertise can come through consulting, training, or a balance of both. We are secure in providing a proper mix of theory with actual implementation of sustainable best practices. This is accomplished through a well-defined roll-out strategy that is continually monitored throughout the client engagement to ensure expected outcomes are achieved or exceeded.
The AYTA Group has worked on numerous consulting and education projects for many organizations.
Cost Reduction Road Map
Typical road map for a cost reduction project:
- Analyze the current state: We will meet with you to define the current state of your business.
- Identify the needs: We work with you to identify your business requirements.
- Submit a proposal: Then, we will submit proposals for evaluation.
- Implementation / Training: When a proposal is chosen, we will assemble an experienced team to support your requirements.
- Validation: Once the project is kicked off, we will verify that your targets are met and that you are satisfied with our services.
- Provide ongoing support: After project completion, continued support is available upon request.
7 forms of MUDA (waste) Lean Supply Chain Solutions
Over Production
- Implement a pull system
- Time studies to define head count requirements
- Process flow
optimization - Warehouse layout
- Days of stock
optimization - Consignment inventory
set up - Cash flow Inventory
- Outbound transportation
cost reduction with RFQ - Inbound transportation
cost reduction with RFQ - Cost reduction with
tariff classifications - Milk run Transportation
set up
- Work load balancing
- Process efficiency improvement
- 5M Analyses to resolve logistic problems
- Poke-Yoke supply chain Defects processes
Over Processing
- Eliminate double processing
- Eliminate repack
More Information
If you need information about any of our services, please feel free to use our contact form, send us an e-mail to, or give us a call at 864-384-9384.